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EVENT: What's new with Rural? Payroll & IR changes

Jul 1, 2023 / 2 minutes read

At McIntyre Dick, we’re committed to ensuring we keep you up to date with industry changes.

Join us in conjunction with Pay Check for a two-hour event “What's new with Rural? Payroll & IR changes” to help you prepare your business for the impending minimum wage rise and Inland Revenue changes.

Date:     Thursday 

Time:    9am-11am 20th July

Venue: McIntyre Dick, 160 Spey Street, Invercargill

Price:    Free

We’ll cover:

  • Minimum Wage Rate and what this means for Payroll
  • FBT, Entertainment & Tax Invoice Changes
  • Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax updates
  • End-of-Year Payroll Reporting
  • Student Loan thresholds update

Seats are limited, so register now, by following this link.

See you there!

Justine v2

Justine Newsome

Software Specialist