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'Blue Do' dinner for prostate health awareness.

Sep 10, 2019 / 1 minute read

More than 600 Kiwi men will die this year from prostate cancer – mates, fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers – if you haven’t been directly affected by prostate cancer, you’re bound to know someone who has.

At McIntyre Dick, we wholeheartedly support Blue September's efforts to keep our communities healthy. We chose to host a 'Blue Do' shared dinner to raise funds and awareness of prostate health.

Quick facts:

  • 3000 men are diagnosed each year – that’s about 8 men every day
  • 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer – it’s the most common cancer in Kiwi men.
  • Maori men are 72% more likely to die from prostate cancer once they are diagnosed, than non-Maori men
  • Men should get an annual prostate check from age 50, or from 40 if there is a family history
  • Often there are no symptoms – 46% surveyed had no symptoms when diagnosed
  • Early detection is the key to saving lives as prostate cancer is effectively treated when diagnosed early
Alex 2023

Alex Crackett

Marketing & Client Experience Manager

Driving business growth through the development and execution of the firm's marketing strategy.