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[Covid-19] We're here to help

Mar 24, 2020 / 2 minutes read

With the spread of COVID-19 across New Zealand and the recent update from the NZ government, McIntyre Dick would like to advise that from Wednesday March 24, our entire team will be working remotely - a situation for which we are quickly adapting for.

Although we'll be working in ways we never have before, business continuity will be maintained during this period, and you can still expect the absolute highest levels of customer service. We're also offering FREE specialist advice, read about our support options below.

What's changed?

  • Meetings restricted
    Although face-to-face meetings will be restricted, we will continue to be available by phone, email and video-conferencing.
  • Government wage and leave subsidy support support
    We have dedicated fee-free resource to helping clients through this uncertain time, please see below for more information.
  • Inland Revenue Returns 
    It is our intention to have all returns filed by due dates with Inland Revenue, however, at times this may not be possible. Inland Revenue is providing leniency in these circumstances and will be waiving interest and penalties if payments are made late due to the impact of COVID-19.
  • Phone lines open
    Our main phone line will be working, you can always find us on
    (03) 211 0801, however, we may need to take your message and have your advisor call you back.
  • Hard copies of documents
    As our offices are no longer open, we're unable to receive hard copies of documents. If there are hard copies of documents that you need to provide us with, if possible, please scan these and email these to us at If this is not possible, please speak to one of our team to work on a solution.
  • Paying fees
    If your ability to pay our fees in full has been impacted, we have an option to help you pay over a 6 or 12 month period of time, using feeSmart. More information can be found here. If you need further assistance with this, please contact

We've listened and we're here for you. We're offering FREE assistance through this time.

We've dedicated a specialist, Rebecca Fairweather, to answer any question you may have regarding the Government wage and leave subsidies, tax changes or assist you through the application forms, fee-free.

Contact Rebecca

As this situation changes, our response may too. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor and adapt to this situation as it unfolds. Connection and communication are key during times like these, so we will continue to update you as the need arises with helpful information to lessen the financial impact on your business.

We hope that you and your families stay healthy and appreciate your support in keeping our community safe.

Ngā mihi nui,
Kris McLellan,
Brad Phillips, Chairman
& the team at McIntyre Dick

Alex 2023

Alex Crackett

Marketing & Client Experience Manager

Driving business growth through the development and execution of the firm's marketing strategy.

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Ignite Leadership Programme

Jan 29, 2025 / 2 minutes read