Figured Tip - Livestock Reconciliations made easy!
Have you seen the NEW quick & easy way to reconcile your stock in Figured?
In your Livestock Tracker, Figured will tell us when there are inconsistency in our numbers between Figured & Xero by showing us an alert:
When we select the Tracker, we can see where those inconsistencies are:
By clicking into the cell where the alert is, then scrolling down the page (in the example I have clicked into the cell for MA Cows Sales), the following will appear:
From here, all we need to do is select the “Import From Xero” button, this will then show us the transactions in Xero:
Here we can see the transactions that are coded in Xero to “MA Cows Sales”.
All we need to do to update Figured is to ensure that the Quantity column is correct for the number of Livestock and then select the Green tick to add the quantity to our livestock reconciliation:
Now our livestock is up to date!
Much more simpler than having to go and add all the transactions individually and alternating between screens to see what is in Xero and how we need to balance this is in Figured.
Need more information on reconciling your livestock? Contact us today!