Chris is a powerhouse in business management services, primarily servicing the commercial and rural sectors.

As a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) and a recipient of the 40 Years of Chartered Accountancy Award, Chris brings decades of experience and a highly respected reputation, especially in the rural sector, where clients frequently seek out his advisory services.

With a particular interest in the dairy industry, Chris is dedicated to helping your business achieve success. His specialist skills include providing management advice, analysing financial results, and advising on business planning and structures.

Chris has also specialised in audit assurance services for a wide range of entities over a number of years. His years of experience in both business management and audit assurance services are complemented by technical support from PricewaterhouseCoopers, ensuring comprehensive and reliable advice.

With his extensive background and commitment to client success, Chris is well-equipped to support your business in achieving its goals.

Let's grab a coffee.

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