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Business Advisory & Compliance

Business Agreement Reviews

We'll review your business agreements ensuring you're in the best position for taxation, accounting, and commercial matters. 

At times business owners and their businesses will enter into business agreements, such as employment agreements, shareholder agreements, supplier agreements, loan agreements, and sale and purchase agreements. 

Irrespective of what type of agreement is being entered into there will be taxation, accounting and commercial matters that need to be considered.  The consequences of overlooking these matters are significant and, generally, cannot often be undone after the fact.

By getting McIntyre Dick involved as early as possible we are able to review these agreements, in conjunction with your lawyer, to ensure all taxation, accounting, and commercial matters have been considered to give you “peace of mind” that your interests have been protected.

More Business Advisory services.

Our people focused approach is about getting to know your business like the back of our hands and building a lasting partnership based on honesty and trust, so you can grow, plan, and design your business for better.

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    Office Systems and Process Review

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    How effective is your marketing?

    Your well-developed marketing strategy will help you realise your business's goals and focus on the actions required to reach the right customers. 

  • Rural Team


    Our rural services team specialises in providing practical advice and mentoring services to farming clients.

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